Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Orale compas I know that I dont really blog that often but hey let me tell you de que I been wanting to Blog pero en fin. Last night before I went to bed encontre de pura casualidad una rolita de este proyecto del conocido Dan the Automator pero el basicamente aparece en este proyecto bajo el mismo seudonimo que uso para Handsome Boy Modeling School el cual es "Nathaniel Merrieweather". Pero en fin el album se llama "Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By" excellent album in my opinion pero yeah si pueden escuchenlo y pues que mas puedo decir mas que musica como esta me inspira.



Monday, April 6, 2009

Mexxy is Back

Ke onda ñeros yo se que les quede mal y que pues me desapereci pero ni pedo
aki estoy de regreso mas guapo y fuerte que nunca con mas energia que una chingada pero en fin. Miren la cosa esta asi voy a tratar de darme la vuelta mas seguido.

Hoy comienzo mi segmento de video blog que se titula las "Marihuanadas de Mex Tape" este documental esta basado en el uso scientifico de la marihuana y pues yo que soy un miembro honorario de mi comunidad me fui de voluntario y pues dejenme decirles que ser Marihuano no es facil no estan sencillo como todos creen ya que se requiere baaastanteeee disciplina para poder ser un buen Marihuano pero en fin disfruten de mis MArihuanadas y dejenme saver si les laten!!!

Les quiero decir antes de que se me olvide es de que, no dependo de este rollo pero laneta me late asi que juzguenme como se les de su regalada gana ja, ja, ja!

Los ama el Mex Tape

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Vota por Barack!!!!

Hey players check out my homie DLabrie with his latest song "Vote for Barrack" download this joint and passed essos.
Hey ñeros checkeen a mi valedor DLabrie con su mas reciente canción "Vote for Barrack" bajala de agrapa y pasasela a toda tu raza.

Dont forget to vote for Barack essos!!!!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Press Conference and Protest Against Overreaching Use of Gang Enhancement Laws

Please Support!!!!

[size=10pt][b]Press Conference and Protest Against Overreaching Use of Gang Enhancement Laws [/b][/size]



[size=10pt][b]Save Joshua Herrera From an Unfair Life Sentence and End the Ethnic Profiling of a Community [/b][/size]

[b]Press Conference and Protest Against Overreaching Use of Gang Enhancement Laws
CONTACT: Rebecca Rivera (408) 596-1192 // Raj Jayadev (408) 757-5875[/b]

What: Lead by the Herrera family, a Latino family well known for their public service, Joshua Herrera’s mother, Rebecca Rivera, with the support of elected officials, ethnic community leaders, and religious leaders will be making a public appeal to save Joshua from an undeserved life sentence in prison. Joshua, a 24-year-old registered E.M.T. and Mission College student, has a sentencing hearing on February 7th, 2008, and is facing a life sentence in prison due to gang enhancement laws, despite having no criminal history, and in a case where no one was injured. The group will also be hand-delivering letters to the judge in support of Joshua’s attorney’s motion that has been filed, which will remove the life sentence if upheld.

WHEN: Friday Feb.1st // Public Gathering at 11:30AM // Press Conference Begins at 12:00PM // Walk to Court Clerk’s Office immediately after press conference.

WHERE: In front of the Hall of Justice (200 West Hedding Street San Jose, CA 95110)

Background: A young man with no criminal background is about to receive a life sentence for his first offense in a case where no one was hurt and the details surrounding this alleged crime are questionable at best. Joshua Herrera was charged and convicted with Home Invasion Robbery in 2006 and although he never even entered the home, he was charged under the Gang Enhancement Law as if he did. Joshua is a nationally registered EMT and was two weeks away from completing his first semester in the Fire Fighting Academy at Mission College when this incident occurred. But despite these facts, Joshua was continually referred to by the District Attorney’s Office as a “hardened gang member” irrespective of the fact that he has no criminal background, no history of violence and not one Field Identification Card in the records of the San Jose Police Department to label him a gang member. As Rebecca Rivera says, “What is happening to Joshua is happening to young Latino men all over the County. The D.A.’s office is discriminately labeling our youth as hardened gang members, and sending them to prison for years, and it can no longer be tolerated and must come to a stop.”

Rebecca Rivera: Mother of Joshua Herrera
Manuel Herrera: Trustee for the East Side Union High School District
Esau Herrera: Attorney at law and former board member with the East Side Union High School District and the Alum Rock Board of Trustees
Sam Herrera: Pastor Jubilee Church Minister
Joel Herrera: Former Principal at Evergreen Valley High School Administrator at Oak Grove School District
Humberto Herrera Jr.: Administrator at the Alum Rock Schoo l District
Assembly Member Joe Coto: (Sent letter of support, waiting for confirmation)
Patti Cortese: Evergreen Community Leader
City Councilmember David Cortese: (Sent letter of support, waiting for confirmation)
Richard Konda: Coalition for Justice and Accountability
Dorsey Nunn: All of Us or None (Statewide Civil Rights Organization)
David Madrid: Silicon Valley De-Bug
Many More in attendance...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Chase The Clouds Away


Yo que pasa mi gente bueno? Ev es un tercio del famosisimo grupo Dilated Peoples.
Recientemente el lanzo su primer LP a el mercado y pues e aqui su segundo video del Weather Man LP
asi que para esos Hip Hop fanaticos y pa que no te cuenten checate esto
y pues disfruten de este video y esta rolita que estan bastante buenos.

Eveidence en otras palabras es alguien que me a influenciado con sus raps
desde asi casi como una decada y pues la verdad es de que me da gusto ver de que siga cosechando
exitos y de que todavia tenga algo que decir. Pero en fin no me que da mas que decir que
Evidence es uno de los mejores MC's de nuestro hip hop contemporaneo. WEST COAST!!!!

-Mex Tape

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mex Tape Radio

Ya saves que es Hype Tunes? no todavia no pues dejame decirte de que hype tunes es la neta y es un website o mas bien una aplicación en la que puedes crear tu propia estacion de radio. La cual la puedes colocar en tu blog, myspace y en un chingo de lugares ya que es flash base asi que no te duermas y llegale mi buen esse. Y pa que no te cuenten aki esta el music player provided by hype tunes.


-Mex Tape

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mex Tape TV Teaser

Yo checken mi teaser para mi Mex TapeTV youtube channel. Este nada mas es una muestra de lo que viene en unas cuantas semanas asi que no te duermas y checkame esse. oh tambien casi se me olvida proximamente Mex Tape Radio asi que estate pendiente :)

-Mex Tape